About the Workshop

What we are

A public woodworking space / workshop in Columbia, MD.

What we offer

  • A space to make noise and sawdust without upsetting the neighbors. Bring your own tools or use our bigger, better ones.
  • A community of woodworking and other hobbyists to help motivate, inspire, teach, and problem-solve your next project
  • A space where local makers can advertise or sell their projects
  • Short-term storage for projects
  • Tool rentals for those that need a particular tool only once in a blue moon
  • Basic Memberships for those who have their own tools and just need a space, OR Upgraded Memberships that allow for the use of our larger wood working equipment
  • Tool Classes to expose and train individuals interested in wood working
  • Project Classes to walk you through various common projects

Why we exist

The idea behind Uncle Johns Workshop is to eventually open a Public Workshop in the Columbia/Ellicott City area of Maryland to provide a place for those living in townhomes/condos/etc. (such as myself) to be able to make some noise and some sawdust without upsetting their spouse or neighbors!

Many of us have a drive or desire to work with our hands, but no garage or other suitable space to get creative. Many times over the last several years I have found myself rigging a circular saw to a folding table to make a "table saw" or using the wood router in the parking lot as far away from the building as my extension cord would allow, or even palm sanding in the living room! The drive to create things requires space to work!

So many times, I have bought a tool only to use it 3 times before it sat on a shelf for a year! For the same cost as that one tool, I am hoping to provide locals access to a safe, educational space with all the tools you could possibly want (and probably better than what you would buy for yourself!)

Stretching Into The Future

As time goes on, I would like to add skills classes, tool rental, and a retail space for members to sell their crafts. While there are a number of 'Makerspaces' around already, many of these focus on niche tools like 3D printers and laser engravers.

Now Im not saying I wouldn't like to get my hands on those, but for 99% of my projects, what I really need is just a few basic power tools and a place to use them! Eventually a laser engraver or CNC would be amazing for making custom gifts such as bachelor party favors, but for now, the focus is simply on providing the space and the basics.

Community and Health

I am also very personally interested in providing a community space that can become a third space for locals (#1 & 2 being home and work, fyi).

With the rise in loneliness and depression over the last several decades, more community spaces are badly needed in today's world, and while I am a big advocate of organized activities (I personally do BJJ, yoga, VOLO, and others), these activities are not for everyone for a variety of reasons.

Finding a place where people can go interact naturally with each other without the need to buy anything, and where they can get into a flow state or become inspired would be a dream for many of us.

About Me

About Uncle John
Hello! I am a Former Engineer turned Arborist, and I have been working in the tree care industry since 2011. After getting my first degree from LaTrobe University in Australia, I came home to the States to work as an Engineer for a defense contractor for a few years before

Uncle Johns Workshop is an independent publication launched in January 2025 by John Mowbray. If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available. Your subscription makes this site possible, and allows Uncle Johns Workshop to continue to exist. Thank you!

As soon as the outreach groundwork has been laid, this site will provide a place for interested individuals to join a waitlist to sign up for a Workshop Membership!

Once our Membership has reached a critical number, we will have the ability to make this dream a reality and open the Workshop!

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